Upcoming sessions(2008)

  • 12th. Feb.: CafeLitt First Photo awards and Second Birthday. A Party till midnight
  • 19th Feb.: From Margine to center by Amir Khadir
  • 26 Feb.: Global Financial crisis 2008. The end of an era?! by Ali Paknejad
  • Sunday 8th. March: BOOKCLUB, Disgrace By J.M.Coetzee


CafeLitt 64:"The 1960's intellectual movement and the roots of Iranian revolution in 1979 "

Subject:"The 1960's intellectual movement and the roots of Iranian revolution in 1979 "
Presented by: Dr. Ata Hoodashtian
Date: Thursday 3rd of April 2008


Anonymous said...


Last night, Ali said that eastern people want to be themselves and keep their independence, but be updated, and orator of session called that attitude as local modernity.
Ali also used "backward" and "forward" adjectives to describe the social and political condition in some Islamic countries (especially Turkey and Malaysia) and orator of session confirmed him.

I was wondering if somebody can instruct me:
How can we measure the orientation of social and political events? I mean where is the reference to determine the direction of the occurrences? Furthermore the values and virtues of modernity (as the entirety of what happened in the west) do we have any other criteria for arbitration? If "Yes" what are those and if "No" where are the borders between keeping own values and moving towards modernity in "local modernity" scenario?

Anonymous said...

Just as a very short clarification. I prefer to use the word sustainable development, which leads to some major reforms (modernization) and shares some icons of western reform happened after renaissance. However, in its identity can be considered eastern and respects many eastern and/or islamic characteristics of a middle-eastern society. This means that both reforms and religion will provide a sustainable balance and will be in a progressive transaction and interaction. This is mainly similar to what happened in west during renaissance and also industrial revolution and clarify the position of charistianity and church in the society and made a cultural evolution in both sides to establish a uniform-sustainable society.

About the meaning of local modernity, I have the similar comment for Dr. Hoodashtian. He did not define what is the measurement tool of such concept. I, myself, beleive this measurement tool is the sustainability of this modernity in a (eastern) society as I previously indicated in my comment.