Subject: An Introduction to Literary theory
Peresented by: Ali Paknezhad
Palce: Presse Cafe, 1446, Ste.Cathrine Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3G 1R3
Metro Guy-Concordia
20th century literary theory is closely linked to 20th century philosophy. It goes beyond “A theory of Literature” and elaborates upon a theory of understanding a text in its broadest sense including art work, religion, sacred text, political system, society, human beings or any other meaningful system.
In this presentation a comparative analyses will be done on different schools of though in 20th century which have been influential on how we understand a text.
These schools include Reception Theory (Phenomenology, hermeneutics, and Reader’s response theory), Structuralism, Post structuralism, Deconstruction and psychoanalysis.
He will try to give a synopsis of Terry Eagleton’s "Introduction to literary "